Sunday, June 22, 2014

C4Ta #2

I was assigned Beth Knittle. The first post I read was Promise, Potential, Achievement. She starts off by saying it takes an attitude of optimism to see the promise and potential in people. I totally agree with this. She then goes on to say that sometimes it takes a lot to believe that the students you work with can improve let alone achieve great things. She said that she may not ever know what those great things may be but she is doing her best to get them there. She ends by saying that she too often hear students say that they deserve a good grade. She said that you won't get it if you do not put in the hard work and effort that is required.
I replied by introducing myself. I told her that I really enjoyed her post. I told her that I was a future educator and that after reading "It takes an attitude of optimism to see the promise and potential in people" I believe this should apply to all educators.


The next post I read was Finding the Right Tool. In this post Mrs. Knittle talks about finding the right tool for the right job in the school systems. She talks about how different schools are at different places when it comes to the level of technology integration and would also require different tools. She goes on to say that you cannot say that one tool is better than another. She said that the currents discussions revolve mainly around iPads v.s. Chromebooks. She gave examples of what the students should be able to do using iPads and Chromebooks i.e., create and share video, create presentations, access and create eBooks and improve accessibility.
I replied by saying that I agree that technology is having a great impact in education. I said that it is also true that different schools are at different places when it comes to technology. I ended by say that I think that it is good for students to know how to work both Mac and PC.

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