Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Blog Post #14 & 15

Strengths                                                                            Weakness
organization skills                                                                 Stubborn
willingness to learn new things                        not knowing much about different technologies
caring for others
Strengths and Weaknesses

In the next year and a half I believe that I will need to become more open to all of the changes that are going on in the classrooms. I also believe that I should familiarize myself with the course contents in the grade that I plan on teaching. Ultimately I need to become more serious and realize that everything that I am learning about will soon be my reality

In How to Make an Audio QR Code I learned how to create an Audio QR code. I learned how easy and convenient it is to create and use in the classroom. I also learned that there is a very easy to use website to help create the QR Code.

In iPad Reading Center I learned that using the iPad in the reading center is very helpful. I learned that the students use their iPad to record themselves while they are reading. When they are finished reading they play the recording and read along with their recording to make sure they did not make any mistakes. I believe that having iPads in the reading center will help the students become better readers.

In Poplet as a Center I learned that poplet is a free download on the ipads. I learned that poplet is an app that helps the students create web charts. I also learned that poplet helps the students enhance typing skills as well as reading skills.

In Alabama Virtual Library as a Kindergarten Center I learned that the students are able to use the virtual library. They use the library to search different words that they are covering that week. They watch different videos and draw a picture of what they have watched. After they have finished their drawing they have to write a sentence to go along with the picture. Drawing the picture and writing a sentence to go along with it show that the students understand what they are learning.

In How to Make an iMovie Trailer for Kindergarten I learned that even Kindergarten students can make a movie trailer and sometime they can do better than adults. I learned that the students are very excited to learn how to make the movie trailers. I also learned that it is important to teach the kindergarten students how to take good pictures.

In Discovery Education Board Builder I learned how the students create a board on Discovery Ed Board Builder. The board helps the students search, create and enter facts about the moon. It also allows the students to upload images and videos.

In Mrs. Tassin's 2nd Grade Class, Mrs, Tassin's 2nd grade class shared their board builder projects. They explained how they created their projects and where their sources came from.

In Twitter for Educators I learned that twitter is changing the way that teachers are learning. I learned that twitter chat is a great place to learn for educators. Twitter connects you with educators all over the world.Twitter logo

In We All Become Learners I learned that have different devices changes the dynamics of learning. The use of the devices helps everyone to become learners.

C4T #4 Permanent

Building Good Culture
This week on Mrs. Tolisano's blog I read Building Good C.U.L.T.U.R.E.. In this post Mrs.Tolisano was asked in a tweet to create a a graphic to go along with an acronym called Building Good C.U.L.T.U.R.E; Collaborate, Understand, Love, Trust, Unite, Respect, Empower. She said that this post is another example of the power of our network to collaborate, to add value and to share.
I replied by saying that this acronym is definitely powerful and motivating. I said that the post shows first hand how great it is to network and collaborate with others. I finished by saying that I would definitely be using the acronym in my future classroom.

The Blogging KrakenThe next post I read was The Blogging Kraken: How to Keep Up with All Your Students' Blog. In this post Mrs. Tolisano talked about how to keep up with all of the students's blogs. She began by saying blogging is about reading and writing in digital spaces. She said that we want students to make their learning and thinking visible. She said that timely feedback from teachers, peers and a global audience is critical to the blogging process. She then gives a chart that shows the strategies that help develop a workflow.

C4T a #4

Mrs. Diane Dahl
I read Engaging Brains: How to Enhance Learning by Teaching Kids About Neuroplasticity. In this post Mrs.Dahl and a Co-Author talked about how to enhance learning by teaching kids about neuroplasticity. They said that teaching students about neuroplasticity can have a transformative impact in the classroom. They then said that using the strategies effectively produces learning gains, which motivate students to take charge of their learning which leads to further academic success. They said that when students see this process as changing their own brains the result is a powerful and positive cycle. Their strategies for engagement are, License to Drive, Go BIG, Practice Practice Practice, and Room to Improve.
I commented by first introducing myself. I then said that I enjoyed reading her post. I said that she had great ideas and strategies. I told her that I believe that her post will be very useful to me in my future classroom.

Guided Reading GroupsThe next post I read is How to Plan and Schedule Guided Reading Groups. In this post Mrs. Dahl explained how she plan and schedule her guided reading groups. She first determine the student reading levels by taking data from the end of the previous school year. After she gather the data she makes the groups. She then schedule the groups so that can meet with each group at least once a week. Some groups she may have to meet with more than once a week depending on the reading level of the group.
I commented by first introducing myself. I then said that her post was very informative. I told her that her plans are very organized and easy to follow. I told her that I would definitely keep her post as a reference for my future classroom.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

PLN Final Summary

My PLN is still a work in progress. Of course I will continue to have Dr. Strange in my PLN. Currently the main source on my PLN is Pinterest. There are many great ideas and resources. I will continue to add our EDM 310 lab assistants and other teachers that I will encounter on my journey to becoming an Elementary Education/Special Education teacher.

Blog Post #13

What Did I Leave Out

In this blog you will be focusing on Special Education.
*Down Syndrome
*Cerebral Palsey
*Spina Bifida
Research each disability above. Explain what the disability is and how you would accommodate for a student with the disability. Also tell how you would make it a fun learning environment for those students.
Special Education

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Project #12 Part B

Smart Board Lesson
Hollywood Group

Blog Post #12

“iPad Usage For the Blind” and “Teaching Mom What Her Deaf/Blind Child is Learning On the iPad” are both videos that discuss that an iPad has different features that allow sight impaired people to use them just as anyone else would. One can swipe their finger across the homescreen and an automated voice would read aloud the names of the apps and what one should do to use and access them. For example, in iBooks, the automated voice will read aloud the book chosen, as well as tell you the chapter you are reading, and also read aloud the different functions in iBooks that are available on each page of the book such as “Library button” or “Table of Contents”. For our future students that may have sight disabilities we can provide headphones so that those students can have the automated voices speak to them during class without disrupting other students. We would want our disabled students to enjoy school and get the most out of our classes, just as any other student would.

The first three sources that we were given for this blog post were Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impaired Children, Apple Assistive Technologies  and The Mountbatten. These three sources give us different technologies that can be used in the classroom to help vision and hearing impaired students. The Assistive Technologies video talks about how there are so many children that are vision or hearing impaired. The video seems to be a motivation video to make a difference and be able to have these students do what the other students are doing and to not let them be completely limited. The Apple Assistive Technology source was a website that showed different accessories that you can get for an iPad that students can use in the classroom to help them. The Mountbatten video is about the Mountbatten Braille Writer that helps blind students be able to respond in the classroom. When the student brailles, the student announces what the machine is typing in Braille. This machine is able to save files and also send files to a computer. This machine can be helpful in the classroom, especially if a teacher does not know braille. It will help the teacher know what the student is typing because it says it out loud. Both assistive technologies sources will be great to have handy in the classroom because it will help students be able to not have any limitations in the classroom.

In Teaching Math to The Blind a professor at the University of San Francisco talks about a device that he created to help blind students solve simple and advanced math problems. The device is a grid that holds small square pieces. The square pieces has a number written on one side and on the other side the same number is written in braille. With this device teachers are able to teach math to blind students at a younger age. I think that this device would be very useful to me in my classroom. The device will help the blind students model and solve math problems just as a sighted student would.

In the 50 Must See Blogs for Special Education Teachers, there are tons of blogs that could be helpful to any teacher, not just special education. Teaching All Students was a great resource to look at. It had many blog post added weekly that contained different tools that teachers may need. In Dyslexia My Life, Girard Sagmiller shares about his struggle with dyslexia and gives teachers advice on how to teach children with dyslexia. Special Education and Disability Rights Bog is an important blog to review because it explains different legal issues you may face as a special education teacher. My Special Needs Network could be a very helpful blog for teachers. It is a group of blogs from teachers AND parents that could greatly help you understand how to help a child because you don’t only have a teachers view but also a parent view!

Assistive Technology

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Blog Post #11

What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers?

In the video Back to the Future Mr. Brian Crosby talks about the different projects that he have his students to do throughout the year. Ninety percent of Mr. Crosby's students are second language learners and are students living in poverty. He said that project based learning empowers the children to want to learn on their own and to be active learners. Mr. Crosby also said that project based learning helps connect the students to the world. The students learn how to collaborate and be independent learners.

In Blended Learning Cycle Mr. Paul Andersen talks about blended learning in his classroom. Mr Andersen said that blended learning is taking mobile, online and classroom learning and mixing them together. His learning cycle begins with engage, explore, explain, expand, and finishes with evaluate. He created an acronym called quivers. He said that first you start with a good QUestion, next Investigation/Inquiry to get some more information on the topic, Video, he makes a video for the students to watch individually, Elaboration, he assigns topics he would like the students to read in depth about, Review, he get with small groups and ask questions to make sure they understand the information, and finally Summary quiz, he gives the summary quiz after they have made it through the review with him.

In Making Thinking Visible by Mark Church the students are working in small groups discussing a video called Early Human Beginnings. Mr. Church has the students to come up with a headline that would connect everything from the video together. He said after they are finished with their final project he will ask the again what would their headlines be then.

In Building Comics Mr. Sam Pane 4th grade students were learning how to be good digital citizens. After learning how to be good digital citizens Mr. Pane had his students build a digital super hero and create a comic. They use their digital super hero in a comic showing that the understood how to be good digital citizens. He said by having his students to do this helped the to write narratives and analyze how multimedia elements contribute to text.

In Project Based Learning by Dean Shareski teachers talk about cross curricular. With their cross curricular they have crossed English, History, and Information Processing. The teachers said that with cross curricular the students have more time to do their projects. They said with more time the students do a better job on their projects.

In Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program the teachers talk about what Project Based Learning brings to their 1st graders. The teachers said that in PBL the students are exposed to real world problems. PBL expose the students to public speaking and collaboration at an early age. The teachers said that the students have choices and are able to make decisions on their own. The Roosevelt parents are also happy with the performance of their children in PBL. They also said that PBL gives differentiation and works with multiple intelligence's.
Project Based Learning

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

C4T #3 Permanent

Quad BloggingOn Mrs. Tolisano's blog I read The Possibilities of Student Blogging. This blog post was a video on students sharing their learning experiences about blogging. The video starts off by saying that student blogging is about giving students a platform where they can talk to the world. The students then explained what a blogging. They then began talking about quad blogging. Quad blogging is a four week project where one class is connected with three other classes. Each week one class focuses on being the writers while the other three classes read and comment. The classes rotate each week. With quad blogging the teachers wanted to see if blogging helps improve the students writing. They chose the other three team in other countries to connect the students to the world. the students enjoyed getting new comments and having a real audience. Having the blogs encourage the students to write more.
I relied by saying that I enjoyed watching the video. I said that I enjoyed learning about quad blogging. I said that I believe that allowing the students to blog with people in different countries gives them a different outlook on the different topics they are discussing. I also think that it also builds their peer editing and writing skills.

Documenting FOR LearningThe next post I read is called Documenting FOR Learning. Mrs. Tolisano began by saying that she is a documenter and she's always been. She said that she is her families historian. Mrs. Tolisano said that documenting for learning is a supporting piece for the study self-determined learning and a strategy, approach and technique to facilitate learning. She sees documenting as a memory aid, curation, a component of reflective practice and more. Mrs. Tolisano said that until now she has primarily seen and used documentation for her own and other's professional learning. She then listed the types of tools she uses for documentation. She uses video, photos, sketch notes, notes, tweets,blogs, slide deck, screen shooting and casting and mind maps.
I replied by introducing myself. I said that I can honestly say that I never thought about documenting things for learning purposes. I said that I have always documented things such as important documents that would be needed for later. I said as I go deeper into my education degree I see that it is good to document items that could be helpful in the classroom and to share ideas with colleagues. I thanked her for her helpful post.

C4Ta #3

Digital CitizenshipThis week I read Mr. Dean Shareski's blog Visitors and Residents and Digital Citizenship. In this post Mr. Shareski talks about digital citizenship. He starts by saying when schools and districts want to discuss digital citizenship they usually emphasize the dangers and problems of thoughtless online behaviors. He thinks that most people visitors of the web because they are told to be on their best behavior. He used for an example, when parents take their children to visit other families, the main focus to the parents is making sure the children behave themselves. Referring back to digital citizenship he said it is largely about damage control. He said when we grant someone citizenship we speak of responsibility to make things better, not just staying out of trouble. He went on to say that the messages that most students are receiving about how to live and act online are from visitors. He said that this is an obvious disconnection because many of the students are residents. He closed by saying it would be like him telling his American colleagues how to be good U.S. citizens.
I replied by introducing myself. I told him that I enjoyed reading his post. I also told him that his post brought some good points to my attention about being a digital citizen.

GradingThe second post I read was On Motivation and Engagement. In this post Mr. Shareski opens by saying It is no secret to his readers, friends, and students that he has a thing with grading. He listed a question that he said he might give to his students. "If I were to give you an A at the beginning of the class and you didn't have to take the course, would you accept that offer?" He said that he would guess that most of them would take the deal. He said that the question led him to challenge himself with a similar question. "If the University were to give you your stipend and you didn't have to teach the course, would you accept that offer?" He said that he realize that the two questions were not entirely equal and fair, but it makes him wonder about motivation for both him and students. He said that he loves teaching and that he is currently working at two institutions. He said that the pay is twice as much at one and he does not put in half the time. He closed by saying that he is struggling a bit. He said that he preach to his students often about how he feels that grading is overrated and he does not really value them. He wants his students to focus on learning, not grade.
I replied by telling him I enjoyed reading his post. I also told him that I have encountered plenty of teachers that have the same feelings toward grading as he do.

Blog Post #10

What Can We Learn From Ms. Cassidy?

I enjoyed watching Little Kids...Big Potential. This video showed how Ms. Cassidy's first grade class use technology. It is amazing to see how excited the students are to blog and showcase their work to the world. In this video the students talked blogging and commenting on others blogs. The video shows the students using the internet, wiki, and podcast. Using the blog helps improve the students writing skills. One student talked about how you should always leave nice comments on other people blogs. I believe the is a form of peer editing at an early age.
After watching this video I watched a three part interview with Ms. Cassidy Video 1, Video 2, and Video 3. In the first video Ms. Cassidy talked about how she first started using techonology. She said said that she was given five computers in her classroom but she could not download any software to them. She researched and found ways that she could use them for her classroom. After researching she created a class blog for her students. I have learned that the students and the parents love the blogging idea. The students love it because they can showcase their work and they know that they are getting comments on their work. The blogs give the students an audience. The parents love it because they can go and view their child's blog at any time and see the progress of their child throughout the year. In this video Dr. Strange informs Ms. Cassidy that some students are not really accepting the idea of technology in the classroom. Ms. Cassidy says that the world is changing and technology is here to stay. In video 2 Ms. Cassidy said to use things that you are interested in to connect with others using technology. If you are more interested in writing you should blog. If you are interested in using videos you should use youtube. In video 3 students from EDM 310 asked Ms. Cassidy questions. In my future classroom I would like to have a class blog for my students also. Having a class blog would help keep the parents informed on what their children are doing and they can also keep up with their progress. Having a class blog will also help the children build their communication skills, collaboration skills, as well as their peer editing skills. I also feel that having a blog helps you stay more organized rather than having piles and piles of papers everything is organized in digital folders.
First Grade Blog