On Mrs. Tolisano's blog I read The Possibilities of Student Blogging. This blog post was a video on students sharing their learning experiences about blogging. The video starts off by saying that student blogging is about giving students a platform where they can talk to the world. The students then explained what a blogging. They then began talking about quad blogging. Quad blogging is a four week project where one class is connected with three other classes. Each week one class focuses on being the writers while the other three classes read and comment. The classes rotate each week. With quad blogging the teachers wanted to see if blogging helps improve the students writing. They chose the other three team in other countries to connect the students to the world. the students enjoyed getting new comments and having a real audience. Having the blogs encourage the students to write more.
I relied by saying that I enjoyed watching the video. I said that I enjoyed learning about quad blogging. I said that I believe that allowing the students to blog with people in different countries gives them a different outlook on the different topics they are discussing. I also think that it also builds their peer editing and writing skills.
The next post I read is called Documenting FOR Learning. Mrs. Tolisano began by saying that she is a documenter and she's always been. She said that she is her families historian. Mrs. Tolisano said that documenting for learning is a supporting piece for the study self-determined learning and a strategy, approach and technique to facilitate learning. She sees documenting as a memory aid, curation, a component of reflective practice and more. Mrs. Tolisano said that until now she has primarily seen and used documentation for her own and other's professional learning. She then listed the types of tools she uses for documentation. She uses video, photos, sketch notes, notes, tweets,blogs, slide deck, screen shooting and casting and mind maps.
I replied by introducing myself. I said that I can honestly say that I never thought about documenting things for learning purposes. I said that I have always documented things such as important documents that would be needed for later. I said as I go deeper into my education degree I see that it is good to document items that could be helpful in the classroom and to share ideas with colleagues. I thanked her for her helpful post.
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